Diabetes and it's Prevention

Diabetes  is a lifestyle disease that has become violent in our country. There has been an explosive increase and it has become a point of worry.
 Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the body doesn't produce enough insulin and results in blood sugar levels increasing. Long term diabetes results in it's own set of complications.
Diabetics have a long period of pre-diabetes during which the development of diabetes can be postponed.For those who are on the verge, ( a condition called pre-diabetes ), a simple healthy lifestyle, exercise and balanced diet may help in reversing the ill effects leading up to diabetes. Lifestyle, obesity, family history of the disease and lack of exercise can cause pre diabetes. In addition stress pushes a pre diabetic patient to become diabetic easily. So deep breathing, meditation etc which are the stress relieving techniques can help to a great extent.
As lack of physical activity is a big reason for the increase in diabetes cases, it is recommended that diabetics stay active throughout the day.
So regular checking with a glucometer accompanied by frequent visits to the doctor is a must.
