A Rremedial Measure for Warts

                   A wart is generally a small, rough outgrowth typically on a person's hands or feet, but sometimes on other locations, that can resemble a cauliflower or a solid blister, caused by virus. Warts are of ten varieties, but the most common is considered to be mostly harmless.
                   There is possibility to get warts from others as they are contagious and usually enter the body through broken skin. Some disappear after a few months and some can last for years and recur.
  • To get rid of warts, first, you must have a determination to get rid of them. Secondly, you must have a good belief on what you are going to follow. Thirdly, have a good self control.
  • Start taking fifty percent of raw foods daily. Natural foods will have a lot of effect on your body.
  • Take much of liquid food.
  • Drink much water
