Raisins contain carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more.
- Raisins help giving relief for constipation.
- It is very good to gain weight.
- It gives a lot of energy.
- The presence of vitamins, minerals and amino acids facilitate the absorption of other nutrients and proteins in the body.
- Raisins are good source of potassium and magnesium which are very effective in reducing acidity. They neutralize the acids and thus help check acidosis.
- The mineral iron present in raisins directly help treating anemia. It is a remedy for sensitivity to cold, difficulty in concentrating, fatigue etc.
- And the copper in them also help in the formation of red blood corpuscles. It also contains vitamin-B complex which are essential for the formation of blood.
- Phenolic phytonutrients, known for their germicidal, antibiotic and antioxidant properties are in abundance in raisins and help cure fever by fighting viral and bacterial infections.
- Raisins are recommended for those suffering from sexual weakness.
- Raisins are very beneficial for bones and joints. Calcium which is the main constituent of bones is present in raisins.
- It is one of the best sources of boran, a micro nutrient, which is very necessary for proper bone formation and absorption of calcium.It prevents osteoporosis induced by menopause in women.
- Raisins are very good for ocular health as they protect the eyes from the damages caused by free radicals, age related weakening of vision, cataract etc.

- The phytochemicals (oleanolic acid ) present in raisins play a crucial role in protecting your teeth against tooth decay, cavities, brittleness of teeth etc.
- One more interesting thing about them is that the longer they stick to your teeth, the better, as it ensures the longer contact of oleanolic acid with the teeth, preventing the growth of bacteria.
- The mineral boran present in raisins play a very important role in checking the growth of germs in the mouth.
- Catechin, a phenolic antioxidant present in raisins is very effective for prevention of tumors, cancer of colon etc.
- The fibers in it help excretion of bile from the body, burning of cholesterol and thereby ensures good cardiac health.
- Raisins contain many B vitamins known for boosting energy.
- It is a strength building food ideal for persons who are weak and anemic.
- Stewed raisins have been found to be a good remedy for sore throat and asthma.
- Raisins are rich in antioxidants that help protect our bodies against free radical damage.
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