It is a wonderful cereal packed with nutrients. It is more superior to rice and wheat in nutritional terms, being rich in high quality proteins , providing highest levels of calcium, antioxidant properties, phytochemicals, minerals and high levels of fiber.
- The high levels of fiber in raagi makes it slowly and easily digestible. It helps to control blood glucose levels in diabetics very effectively.It is a good wholesome diet for diabetics.
- It is low in fat and calories.
- It is rich in methionine, an aminoacid, which is lacking in most of the other cereals.
- The calcium in raagi is easily assimilated and helps strengthen bones, keeping osteoporosis away.
- Raagi helps in lowering the cholesterol levels in the blood, which helps to lessen the plaque formation and prevents the blocking of blood vessels. Thus it reduces therisk of stroke and hypertension.
- It helps in weight control and glycemic control (useful for diabetic patients).
- The high fiber content in raagi helps in improving gastrointestinal function and in reducing the risk of certain types of cancer.
- The fiber in raagi reduces excess appetite and gives a feeling of fullness. The slower digestion rate allows you to take less calories. this supports the process of weight loss.
- Raagi acts as a natural relaxant and helps to fight anxiety, insomnia and depression.
- It also helps in treating migraine headaches.
- Raagi being a good source of iron, can be considered as a useful cereal for anemic patients.
- Regular intake of raagi prevents malnutrition, premature aging and the development of degenerative diseases.
- Green raagi is a remedy for blood pressure, heart weakness, liver disease, asthma and lack of milk production during the lactation period.
- Thus raagi has a number of health benefits like cooling your tummy, treating diabetes, cardiac diseases and for keeping cool in scorching summers.
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