Milk contains a whole lot of vitamins and minerals to keep you fit, healthy and strong. If you drink a glass of milk daily- it gives sufficient-
It is a complete health drink with all nutrients except Iron and vitamin-C. It is a good source of energy.
- calcium to build healthy bones
- protein to build and repair muscles
- potassium to help maintain a healthy blood pressure and proper nerve function
- phosphorous to help strengthen bones and generate energy
- vitamin-D to help maintain bones
- vitamin-B12 to maintain Red blood cells and nerve tissue
- vitamin-A to maintain the immune system, normal vision and skin
- riboflavin( B2 ) to convert food into energy
- niacin to metabolize sugars and fatty acids
- carbohydrates for vitality and energy and
- magnesium for muscular function.
It is a complete health drink with all nutrients except Iron and vitamin-C. It is a good source of energy.
- Taking milk regularly helps in achieving a well balanced diet as it is an ideal source of all the nutrients.
- Milk is the best source of calcium for all age groups as it protects the body from cancerous chemicals, bone loss, arthritic condition, migraine head aches, premenstrual syndrome, obesity etc. It also aids in losing unwanted fats.
- It gives good bone health, smooth skin, strong immune system and prevents illnesses such as hypertension, dental decay, dehydration, respiratory problems, obesity, osteoporosis and even some forms of cancer.
- The nutrients in milk are important for human body as they help prevent chronic ailments.
- It neutralizes the cholesterol content in the body.
- Milk is considered as a best fluid for re hydration as it contains a good quantity of water molecules.
- The lactic acid present in milk helps to remove the dead skin cells and rejuvenates it.
- Consumption of milk helps in reducing acidity. It protects the tooth's enamel surface against acidic substances.
- Consumption of milk and dairy foods as part of a calorie controlled diet is associated with increased weight loss particularly from the abdomen. Thus it can help you lose weight, gain muscle and reduce the risk of heart attack.

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