Health benefits of walking

Brisk-walk is a type of moderate physical activity. It is one of the easiest, cheapest and safe ways to be physically active. You can do it anytime and anywhere.

The health benefits of brisk-walk are innumerable and the risk of side effects is low.

  • It helps you control joint swelling, pain from arthritis and sleep better.
  • It reduces the risk of high blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, catching cold, gall stone surgery, certain types of cancer etc.,
  • It reduces anxiety and depression, boosting your mood.
  • It makes you feel better because it helps keep your bones, muscles and joints healthy.
  • It helps you feel more energetic, lower body fat, and increase metabolic rate.
  • It helps you manage your weight and stay strong and fit.
  • It leads to stronger leg muscles.
  • It helps to slow the aging process.
  • The risk of side effects is low.
Brisk walk adds disease free years to life.Live long through walking.
