- Wheat-grass is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll.
- Wheat-grass consumption can go a long way in offering you greater health. It is found to have over a hundred elements. It is an effective healer because it contains chlorophyll, agropyrene, apigenin, magnesium, plenty of flavonoids and traces of aminoacids.
- Regular consumption of wheat-grass juice guards you against a large number of bacterial and viral infections.
- It allows your body to remain strong and healthy and also younger.
- It doesn't allow infections and skin ailments to thrive.
- The nutrients required to combat germs and pollutions along with stress are met by it's regular use.
- It helps in the treatment and prevention of cancer, to lower blood pressure, to heal wounds, to hasten skin grafting, to cure chronic sinusitis, to overcome inner ear inflammation and infection, to reduce vericose veins, to heal rectal sores, to get rid of veginal infections, to reduce typhoid fever, to cure acne, to prevent tooth decay and tooth ache, to improve digestion, to keep the hair from greying etc., The diet must be improved at the same time.
- It is high in magnesium and is great for constipation.
- It increases the functioning of heart, vascular system, intestines, uterus and lungs.
- It reduces high blood pressure and is great for blood disorders.
- It can detoxify the whole body and clean up the blood.
- It keeps a person more energetic without being fatigue.
- It enhances the quality of blood, by improving the red blood cells and white blood cells in it.
- It arrests the development of unfriendly bacteria.
- Brain and all the body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly oxygenated environment.
- You can get well from chronic disorders by using it.
- It is a superior detoxification agent. It washes away the drug deposits from the body.
- It rectifies blood sugar problems.
- You needn't lose hope if vegetables and fruits do not regularly form a part of your diet.Supplement it with the use of wheat-grass and it takes minutes to digest.
- The additional benefits are-better complexion, healthy glow, physical fitness etc.,
sense of well being.
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