Benefits of eating apples

The nutrients in an apple are-Vitamin c, Vitamin k, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Fiber, Water and some other chemicals.

Apples are a delicious source of dietary fiber and help to aid digestion and promote weight loss.

We eat apples not only because they are refreshing and delicious, but also they are laden with Vitamins and nutrients that preserve our health and help our body fight and prevent multiple disorders and diseases.

Eating an  apple regularly detoxifies liver.It can help boost and fortify the immune system.It is good for eyes, functioning of lungs, respiratory disorders and almost any kind of cancer.

Vitamin c and other antioxidants (flavonoids)  in apples reduce the risk of cancer.They lower the risk of mortality.
The fiber in an apple help control the cholesterol levels and therefore prevent the risk of  heart  and cardiovascular disease.It also helps in digestion and promote weight loss. 

People who eat five apples a week will have a better lung functioning and lower risk for respiratory diseases.

Eating fresh apples regularly protect the brain from damage that causes Alzheimer and Parkinson ism.

The sun caused skin damage may be repelled with the consumption of apples.They may also help with wrinkles.

Eating apples prevent tooth decay.

Apples protect the post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and the mineral Boron present in apples strengthens bones.( helps to promote bone growth also.)

Phenols in apples reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

Eating apples regularly lowers the body's need for insulin and may help in the control of diabetes.It reduces tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria in the mouth.It could keep the memory sharp.Long term consumption of apples effectively decreases the build up of fats on artery walls.Adults are less likely to be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (health problems linked to chronic diseases).In addition they have smaller waist lines and lower blood pressure.It prevents gall stones. 

Apples play a good role in preventing age related problems, wrinkles and promoting hair growth.

Potassium in apples regulates water balance and muscle function.

Drinking apple juice daily could fight the effects of aging on the brain.

Apples contain both insoluble and soluble fibers very beneficial for the health.The insoluble fibers is a great remedy against constipation.The soluble fibers have opposite effects as compared to the insoluble ones,as they are very helpful in treating diarrhea.   

An apple is high in fiber and has less calories and thus controls the weight.

Last, but not the least,eat an apple with the skin,asit is definitely the most nutritious one.
